Registrations for 25-26

Kindergarten registration will officially begin the week of February 3. If you have a child who will be of age for 4 or 5-year-old Kindergarten, please reach out to Kim Teske at Kim will send you the registration information.

When reaching out to Kim, please provide the name of your child currently enrolled with us. It makes it easier to track down your file since they are organized by student name.

February 11, there has been a combined registration date arranged with Eardley and Lord Aylmer. You can go to 130 Frank Robinson (Lord Aylmer Junior Campus) to enroll your child between 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00.

Skating Dates

Monthly skating dates for cycle 2 and 3 are upon us. One was today and the other is tomorrow, January 28.

Snow Much Fun

Date Change Alert- due to the cold weather creeping in, we are shifting our Winter Activity Day, Snow Much Fun to February 5.

Graduation Photos

Graduation photos will take place on February 25. You child’s teacher will send home a fly from Photomania with tips for the photos.

Report Cards

Term 2 ends on February 7. Report cards will be available on Mosaik March 3.


Interviews will take place the evening of March 20 and during the day March 22. There is a delay between report cards being made available and interviews due to the placement of PD Days. Teachers will reach out to those they would like to meet with. Parents/guardians can also reach out to their child’s teacher if they would like meet.

Lunar New Year

Students are encouraged to wear RED on Wednesday, January 29 for Lunar New Year. We hope all who celebrate have a wonderful day. 

Governing Board

The next Governing Board meeting is on January 29 at 6:00 online.

Staff Appreciation

Staff Appreciation Week is from February 3-7. Our Home and School has a few tricks up their sleeves. I am hoping to also get you involved with your child. I will send out details once I have them lined up. I am thinking a question or questions about “What do you think Eardley ­­­­­(teachers, daycare staff, secretaries, classroom support, etc)  really do?” The hope is to see what children respond. It could be cute, maybe even funny. Below is an example from the internet.

Family Activity Night

The Western Quebec Literacy Council is offering a SLIME Family Activity Night. Please use the link below to sign up.

Suicide Prevention Week

Suicide Prevention Week is from February 2- Please see the attached flyers.

The goals of Suicide Prevention Week:

Home and School

Subway Day- will take place January 29. Please see the attached flyer.

Grade 4 Vaccinations

Reminder that those grade 4 students who require vaccinations will be receiving them on Thursday, January 30.

Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.

Julia Horner


Eardley Elementary School

January 21, 2025

What’s Happening at Eardley?

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration will officially begin the week of February 3. If you have a child who will be of age for 4 or 5-year-old Kindergarten, please reach out to Kim Teske at Kim will send you the registration information. Further, a registration day has been organized on February 11 from 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm at 130 Frank Robinson (Lord Aylmer Junior Campus). We are working with Lord Aylmer and completing registrations together. After February 11, registrations will take place by appointment only. Again, please reach out to Kim Teske at the email noted above.

We require a minimum of 23 students enrolled in 4-year-old Kindergarten  to maintain our current 2 class groups. If we receive more than 17 registrations (the class maximum) but less than 23 to operate 2 groups, there will be a lottery for the 17 spaces with those who have registered. The decision will be made at the end of May.

Please note that our staffing and class groupings are based on registration numbers so please try to complete registrations as early as possible.

School Fees

Thank you to those who have been settling their accounts or reaching out for payment options. There has been an influx of payments since last week. We still have a ways to go, so please visit Mosaik, the parent portal, to access your invoice. If you require support with Mosaik, please contact Ashley Kelly at As mentioned last week, we would like to avoid the process of sending overdue accounts to collections at the end of the year.

Home and School

Pancake Lunch will be on January 24. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Day of Pink preorder will be accepted until January 27. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Subway Lunch will be on January 29. Please see the attached flyer for more information and visit the H&S website to order.

Family Activity Night

The Western Quebec Literacy Council will be hosting another activity night with a focus on Songwriting. Please use the link below to sign up. There is also a flyer attached.

Lost and Found

Thank you so much to Meagan, the parent who took it upon herself to organize the Lost and Found into bins. Things are much easier to look though. We appreciate it!

PD Day

Reminder that January 31 is a PD Day. Daycare services are available for those who are registered.

Bell Let’s Talk

Bell Let’s Talk day is January 22. Students are encouraged to wear their PJ’s. What better way to start your day in a good mental state then wear your comfy PJ’s?

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Julia Horner


Eardley Elementary School

January 13, 2025

What’s Happening at Eardley?

Dressing for the Weather

The cold weather is upon us. The cut off for students going outside for recess is -25 with the windchill. This is adjusted for Kindergarten students since much of their day is spent outside. We use the guide of -20 with the windchill do decide if they will stay out for the full time or come in early. We use the Weather Network site, set to the Aylmer, QC location. Please make sure your child is dressed for the cold weather. I would also recommend sending extra clothing, especially socks.


The week of February 3, we will begin the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year. We will send out more information once everything is finalized.

Outstanding Accounts

It is very important that we collect outstanding accounts. Thank you to those who have settled their school fee account or have made payment arrangements with our secretary, Kim Teske. I have begun to contact families individually. This is a timely process so if you have not yet settled your account or contacted Kim, I would appreciate it if you would. Please go to Mosaik, the Parent Portal for your account balance. Contact Ashely Kelly at the front office if you are struggling to access the parent portal. We would like to avoid sending these accounts to collections so please contact Kim to set up payments if needed.

Home and School

Family Bingo Night will be on January 17. Please see the attached flyer for more information and to confirm interest in attending the event. This event may be postponed due to limited interest.

Pancake Lunch will be on January 24. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Subway Lunch will be on January 29. Please see the attached flyer for more information and visit the H&S website to order.

PD Day

Reminder that January 31 is a PD Day. Daycare services will be available for those who register.

Governing Board

Governing Board will be held virtually on January 29.

Family Activity Night

The Western Quebec Literacy Council will be hosting another activity night with a focus on Songwriting. Please use the link to sign up. There is also a flyer attached.

Lost and Found

The lost and found is growing. Please make sure your child’s items are labelled so we can return them prior to donation. Photos will be sent out at the end of the month.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Julia Horner


Eardley Elementary School

January 6, 2025

What’s Happening at Eardley?

     Welcome Back and Happy New Year! I hope you were all able to enjoy some time doing the things you love, with the people you love. We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Below are a few items for your information.

New Registration 2025-2026

Registrations will begin the week of February 3, including 4-year-old Kindergarten students. The last communication stated Kindergarten 4 registration will be later but there has been a change. More information will be sent out soon. Please do not contact Kim yet, we will let you know when the documents are ready.

Home and School

Home and School (H&S) is back at it. Attached in the January calendar and below are the upcoming events.

Hotdog Lunch will be January 10. Please see the attached flyer for more information and visit the H&S website to order.  

Family Bingo Night will be on January 17. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Pancake Lunch will be on January 24. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Subway Lunch will be on January 29. Please see the attached flyer for more information and visit the H&S website to order.

Pizza Lunches resume next week for those who ordered.

Mazzola Hot Lunch

This is a reminder to order for January and February. Please see the attached menu.

Mad Science

Mad Science is available for those who are interested in this third-party lunch activity. We do not have enough registrations for the activity at this point. Mad Science will push back the start date to see if there are any more registrations. The flyer is attached.

Online Awareness

Attached is information provided by the RCMP in both French and English. This was shared by a parent and is simply to provide you with information to ensure you are aware of concerns that have been brought forward and monitoring your child’s online activity within some popular games. I do not know any information more than that provided in the information sheet but thought it important to share the information received.

Enjoy your final evening of the holidays. See you tomorrow!

Julia Horner


Eardley Elementary 

What’s Happening at Eardley?

     Five more school days until the holidays! Although the holidays bring with them a wave of excitement, it can also bring a wave of stress. People are tired, the weather is not always great, it’s cold, and there is a lot of added financial stress. As we close 2024 and move into the new year, we will be focusing on gratitude. Next week, students and staff will start their day with a prompt to reflect on what they grateful for. I will also share the prompts with you so you can continue the conversation at home. Further, I will be sending out a form with the prompt for you to share what you are grateful for (link below for Monday). On the last day, I will share the Eardley Gratitude responses.

Monday- Who is a person who has had a positive impact on your life?

Tuesday- What is the best quality about someone you really admire?

Wednesday- What is one of the best parts of your life?

Thursday- Where do you feel the most happy and relaxed?

Friday- What is a goal you are proud of? (only available until 12:00pm on Friday)

Registrations for 2025-2026

Registration will begin in early February for Kindergarten 5 students for the 2025-2026 school year. If your child is already attending Eardley, we will send out communication asking you to re-register your child. You may remember signing a form each year. Please note that the kindergarten 4 registration process is completely different. There will be a separate registration sent out for K4.

Winter Wonderland Week

This coming week, we will be celebrating the holidays with a different theme each day. I sent out the flyer last week but please see below for the recap.

Monday, December 16 – Festive Feet

Tuesday, December 17 – Holiday Hat or Hair

Wednesday, December 18 – Holiday Sweater (your most festive or favourite)

Thursday, December 19 – Dress for Joy (Wear what makes you happy)

Friday, December 20 – PJ Day

Home and School

Subway Day will take place December 18. Please see the attached flyer.

Movie Night is postponed due to little interest.  

Winter Wear

Please label your child’s winter items. You would be amazed at the number of mitts, hats snow pants and even coats that turn up. If your child’s gear is labelled, we will get it back to them. It is a great way to promote independence and responsibility by teaching your child to put hats and mitts in their sleeve, pocket or bag. Having this routine at home will re-enforce the process here at school, meaning fewer lost items. Since there are 360 students at Eardley, staff cannot ensure that each mitten is securely put away.

Daycare Change-Person Responsible

When we return from holiday’s in January, Linda Morrissette will be replacing Anne Carbonneau as our Daycare Technician. Anne will be off awaiting hip surgery. Should you need to contact the daycare for any reason, Ms. Linda’s email address is Linda has been working in our daycare for many years and has been working closely with Anne in preparation for this change.

PD Day-Daycare

I’d like to remind everyone that there is a PD Day on January 6 and Daycare is CLOSED.

Governing Board

The next Governing Board meeting is December 18.

Mazzola Menu

Attached is the Mazzola menu for January and February.

Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Julia Horner


Eardley Elementary School

We are getting ready for the holidays and you can certainly feel the energy in the building. 10 more school days! Please see below for some of the happenings at Eardley.

Bus Routes

There will be construction on Rue Eardley from December 9-13, inclusive. Although the road in not closed, there may delays for buses 22, 30 and 201.

Reporting Absences

We appreciate all of you who are reporting your child’s absence to us. Please remember that your child’s teacher does not always check email before school starts. Please include the attendance email in your message to the teacher. This will save us a call to you when you have already reported the absence for your child.

Power Outage Follow-Up

Thank you everyone for your quick response to the message needing you to pick up your children last Tuesday. We appreciate your understanding and the fact that you all reacted on short notice to make arrangements. Thank you!

Home and School

Books and Breakfast will take place December 7 in the MPR. Please see the attached flyers for more information.

Hotdog Day will take place on December 13. Order deadline is December 11. Please see the attached flyers for more information.

Subway Day will take place December 18. Order deadline is December 10. Please see the attached flyers for more information.

Family Movie Night will take place on December 20. Please see the attached flyers for more information.

Eardley Swag is now available. Please see the attached flyers for more information.

Winter Wonderland Week- December 16-20

I know this is a week early but some people like to be prepared. Please see the attached schedule for daily themes we will enjoy the last week of school before the holidays.  

School Fees

This is another reminder for school fees. Unfortunately, this is a dossier that gets sent to collections. If you cannot pay the fees in full, please contact Kim Teske, our amazing secretary, who will assist you with a payment plan.

Pick Up Line

When picking up your child at the end of the day, can you please stay on the sidewalk or grass? The bus drivers are concerned that parents/guardians are standing close to the buses during this time.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Julia Horner


Eardley Elementary School

November 29, 2024

What’s Happening at Eardley?

Ms. Horner’s Return

I will be returning on Monday, December 2.

 Angel Tree

Thank you to those who have contributed and continue to contribute to the Angel Tree this year. We are also the recipient of the WQSB Angel Tree. Thank you to the board staff who are also contributing to Eardley families.

Please see the attached drive list for the Angel Tree drive.

Governing Board

In the new year, we will have a one-year (completing this current year) vacancy on the Eardley Governing Board. If you are interested in being part of this group, please email with the reasons you would like to be considered.

Next meeting is December 18, 2024.

Home and School

Book Fair and Breakfast

December 6 and 7, parents will have the opportunity to purchase books from the book fair. There are two ways to purchase. December 7, you are invited for breakfast as well. Please see the attached flyers for more information.

Hotdog Lunch

On December 13 there will be a hotdog lunch option. Orders must be placed by December 11. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Subway Lunch

December 18 there will be a Subway lunch. Orders must be made by December 10. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Family Movie Night

December 20, Home and School presents, The Grinch. Come out for a fun family event beginning at 6:30 until 8:30 in the MPR.

Eardley Swag

See the attached flyers for new Eardley gear. There are staple items but also brand new tuques!

Adult Wine and Liquor Basket Raffle

If you are interested in purchasing raffle tickets for this basket, please see the attached flyer for details. All funds raised will go towards our Angel Families.

Attached you will also find the Home and School Calendar.

WQCC Nursing Students

We are happy to welcome two students from the Western Quebec Career Centre Nursing program for the first two weeks of December. They will be gaining experience working with children.

Mad Science

Please see the attached flyer to sign up for the Mad Science winter and spring sessions.

Kiss and Go/Parking Lot

We are slipping back into old habits. Please make sure you are following the parking lot procedures. If you are dropping your child off you should be using the Kiss and Go. You cannot park in the Kiss and Go area and walk your child to the gate. Adults should not be getting out of the vehicle and bags should be with your child in the seat. If you have a child in a car seat that requires adult support or if you have to enter the building, then please park in the lot and proceed.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Julia Horner


Eardley Elementary

November 19, 2024

What’s Happening at Eardley?

     I hope your week is going well. I would like to remind everyone that I am away this week. Kelly McGuire is replacing me in the building. Should you have any questions, please contact

Home and School

There are a lot of things happening at school through our Home and School. Thank you so much for everything you do for our school community. Last week, the winners of the door decorating contest enjoyed a hotdog lunch and some slime making. This was organized and provided by our Home and School and supported by our amazing staff. Home and School also just finished another successful Holiday Market this past weekend. Below are the upcoming Home and School initiatives.

Family Bingo Night is on November 21. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Subway Day will be on November 27. Please see the attached flyer for more details.

Lunchable Day will be on November 29. Please see the attached flyer for more details.

Parent Guardian Survey

Attached to this message is an invitation to complete a parent/guardian survey regarding communication and the quality of teacher-parent/guardian relationships. If you would like to complete the survey, you will also be provided with a little thank you gift card of a $10 to Archambeault. This study is funded by Fonds de recherche du Quebec.  

Western Quebec Literacy Council (WQLC)-Family Activity Night

The WQLC is back for another family workshop. On November 28 at 5:00pm, please join us at Eardley to make greeting cards. All you need to bring is you. This is a free event, and the children get to choose from a selection of books to bring home to add to their home library. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

World Children’s Day

The children have spoken! This Thursday, November 21, Eardley will be celebrating World Children’s Day. When asked how the children wanted to be celebrated, classes took a vote and the results are in. Children are invited to wear their PJ’s to school and watch a movie as a class community. They will also enjoy some popcorn, provided by Home and School. 

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews

Please join us on the evening of November 21 and during the day on November 22 for interviews. Your child’s teacher has already sent home information on how to sign up for interviews. If you child’s teacher is part of the teachers using the booking system, please feel free to use the link below. Some teachers have decided to organize their interviews without using the booking system.

Angel Tree

Once again, we will be supporting Eardley families with an Angel Tree. How it works: there is a tree in the foyer with angels that represent children at our school. You choose an angel, buy a gift for the child described on the angel, wrap the gift, attach the angel to the gift, and return the gift to school by the deadline indicated on the angel. It is very important that we have the angel in order to get the gift to the right child.

Food Drive

In addition to the angel tree, we will be having a food drove to create food baskets for our Angel families. The attached flyer outlines the category of items to be brought in each day. This will take place the first week of December.

Governing Board

Our next GB meeting is on November 27.

PD Days

November 22 is a PD Day. Daycare services are available for those who registered.

January 6 is a PD Day. There are no daycare services available on that day. Staff will be taking part in professional development.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

Julia Horner


Eardley Elementary School

Ms. Horner Away

I have some news to share. I will be away for 2 weeks starting next Friday, November 15 for knee surgery. Although I will be available by email, Kelly McGuire will be replacing me in the building while I am away; she is my Staff Assistant. Please reach out to Ms. McGuire for any day-to-day needs. We will be in regular contact during my recovery. I should be back by December 2. The next week will be VERY busy tying things up by Thursday.

Home and School

Hot Dog Lunch will be served on November 15 for those who order. Orders must be submitted by November 13. Please see attached flyers for details.

Family Bingo Night will take place November 21. Do you need a sitter for interviews? If so, come to Family Bingo Night, leave your kiddos with our amazing Home and School for your interview and come back to finish the games.

Subway Day will take place November 27. Orders must be submitted by November 19. Please see attached flyers for details.

Lunchables will be served November 29. Orders must be submitted by November 27. Please see the attached flyer for details.

Christmas Market will take place at Eardley on November 16. Please come by to visit with out vendors.

Purdy Chocolate will be sold again this year. Please see the attached flyer for more details.

School Newspaper

Please see attached for the first addition of The Curious Wolves. The children have worked tirelessly deciding on content, taking photos, writing articles and producing the paper. Entirely students led content.

Lost and Found

Please see the attached pictures for the lost and found. There are 17 photos with several items in each!!! The children did a walk thorough Friday. The items will be donated at the end of this week.

Governing Board

Our next Governing Board meeting is November 27.


Interviews will take place the evening of November 21 and during the day on November 22. We look forward to meeting and speaking with you regarding your child’s progress. Most teachers will use a booking system for interview time selection while others will reach out to you directly. You can expect to receive the link Tuesday, November 12.

Report Cards

Report cards will be available through Mosaik on the morning of November 20.

Angel Tree

Our angel tree will be back very soon. There will be a tree in our foyer with angles on it. Each angel has a few details of a child you can support this Christmas. How it works: You select an angel, buy a gift for the age and gender indicated on the angel, wrap it and return it to school by the deadline. These gifts will go directly into the homes of our students.

PD Days

November 22 is a PD Day. There is no school but daycare will be available for those who registered.

JANUARY 6 is also a PD Day but there will be NO DAYCARE services offered on this day. We will be taking part in professional development as a whole staff. I know it is early but I want you to have as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions.

Julia Horner

What’s Happening at Eardley?

    Welcome to Term 2! I hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather Halloween night if you celebrate it. We do not get many like that. Please see below for what is coming up at Eardley.

Home and School

     Please see the attached documents for supporting flyers for the events below and for the November calendar.

Sloppy Joe Lunch will be offered on November 8. Orders are due November 6.

Hotdog Day will be offered on November 15. Orders are due November 12

Family Bingo Night will take place at Eardley on November 21 from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

Subway Day will take place on November 27. Orders are due on November 19.

Lunchable Day will take place on November 29. Orders are due on November 27.

Parking Lot Update- Kiss and Go

     The Kiss and Go has been going well. We will continue with this process.

Lost and Found

     The lost and found is enormous! I will post pictures this week. Items will be donated next week.

Report Cards

     Report cards will be available on the morning of November 20. In Math, Competency 1 (Situational Problems) will not be evaluate in term one but you can expect a mark beginning in term 2.


     Parents/Guardians will be invited to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss progress. More information regarding interview process will be sent out by your child’s teacher. Please save the dates November 21 (evening) and November 22 (during the PD Day).