First Day of School
The first official day of school for Cycle 1-Cycle 3 is August 29th, 2024.
Kindergarten students will have a staggered start. The first day of school is August 29th. This is the day you will be given a 15-minute meeting time. You can bring your child’s school supplies in at that time, meet the teacher, see the classroom and locker space. For the following 2 days, your child will be assigned to either group A (1/2 the students) or group B (1/2 of the students). Group A will attend a full day on August 30th but not attend school on September 3rd. Group B will not attend school on August 30th but will attend a full day on September 3rd. This allows the staff to get to know your child a little before all students attend for the first full class day on September 4th.
Regular attendance and punctuality are important for students to establish routines and ensure they receive the lessons prior to work times.
Supervision begins in the yard at 7:45. Students cannot arrive at school prior to that time. Classes begin at 8:00 am. Lunch begins at 11:25. The time is divided equally, 25 minutes for play and 25 minutes to eat lunch. Dismissal is at 2:45pm.
Attendance is taken at the beginning of the day. Students who are late will be listed as absent and must be signed in at the office by their parent/guardian before proceeding to class.
Parents/Guardians are asked to call the school at 819-684-5955 X 4 or email to report their child absent or late.
We encourage parents to have a regular end of day routine for their children; this will ensure your child knows where he/she must go after school.
If changes are needed, please call 819-684-5955 x4 or email prior to 1:30. The end of the day is a very busy time in the office. Any messages received after 1:30pm may not be heard in time to inform your child’s teacher.
It is very important, for emergency and administrative reasons, that every student maintains an up-to-date address and telephone record at the office. It is also imperative that we have an emergency contact in case we are unable to reach you at home or at work. Please NOTIFY the school IMMEDIATELY if you change any of this information during the school year.
For all new families and students: Please set up your Mozaik Portal Account. You will need your child’s permanent code, so please contact 819-684-5955 x0 if you do not have it accessible. Please use the e-mail address that you have provided to the school in order to link your account.
All Transportation Families – bussing information will only be accessible through the Mozaik Portal and will be available on the portal. For the 2024-2025 the information will be available on the following date: parent portal will be open to parents at the end of the day on Friday, Aug. 23rd until 9am Friday, Aug. 30th . Any changes to addresses or or new registrations made after August 18 will not be processed by the Transportation Department until August 30 and will take 10 days to process. Parents will need to arrange to transport their children until you receive notice from the school.
In the event of severe weather or bus cancelations due to poor road conditions, the WQSB will send a message to all WQSB app subscribers.
The WQSB’s Annual Bus Safety Campaign
You can follow the link to find out more about the WQSB Bus Safety Campaign for 2024-2025 The WQSB’s Annual Bus Safety Campaign – Western Québec School Board
Eardley Calendar 2024-2025
School Fees 2024-2025
Statement of accounts are available on your Moziak Parent portal account. If you require more information about your child’s school account please email Kim Teske at
2024-2025 school fees will be finalized in September.
Payments can be made through online Banking payments – Please ensure you are using the correct codes when creating your payee for each child. Payments can be made at school with cash only. We no longer have our POS terminal.
The school has a flexible approach to school dress, providing the apparel is clean, free from inappropriate (child friendly) messaging and in good taste. The administration reserves the right to make a judgment in questionable situations. Please see our code of conduct for more detailed information. Children must have a pair of running shoes with non-marking soles, that they only wear inside the school. Students are expected to wear outerwear appropriate to the season. Snow pants, mitts, hats and boots are required during the cold weather period.
All available recess supervision is outside during recess; all children must go outside during recess. Children should report to the staff on recess supervision if it is necessary to re-enter the building during recess.
School staff will supervise the playground, before school, beginning at 7:45 a.m. and during the morning and afternoon recess times. There are lunch hour supervisors and daycare staff on duty during the lunch break.
Students have a 50 minute break for lunch. The time is divided equally, 25 minutes for play and 25 minutes to eat lunch. Students eat their lunches in their classes.
Children are also provided snack times throughout the day. encouraged to eat an appropriate snack during snack time. Students are encouraged to bring a nutritious lunch consisting of the four food groups.
Eardley is a nut aware school. Although we cannot guarantee that all items are nut free, we ask that parents/guardians not send food items with their child containing nuts (eg. Peanut butter sandwiches, some granola bars, etc.).
If your child is taking medicine prescribed by a doctor, it must be brought to the school office by the parent. Children should not carry medication to and from school, on the bus or keep it in their lockers at school.
School staff are permitted to administer only medication prescribed by a doctor. Over the counter medication (e.g. aspirin, cough syrup), will not be given at school unless it is accompanied by a prescription from a doctor/pharmacist. Please see below for the school board policy.
MOZIAK Parent Portal
All report cards, transportation information, statement of accounts for school fees and daycare fees can be found on the portal. Please see the attached document for instructions to sign up for the portal.
The parking is limited for visitors. There are several parking spots identified for visitors. Pick-up, drop-off and school events are the busiest times of the day. Please use these spots for drop-off and pick-up. Student safety is our priority and parents/guardians are responsible for their child during this time. Please ensure that you pull into a spot before allowing children to get out of or into your vehicle. The other parking spots are reserved for staff in both the main and side parking lots.
The crosswalk should always be used to cross the bus lane. When buses are present, the crosswalk is the only area that can be used to cross the bus lane. Please do not go between the other buses. NOTE: PLEASE DO NO PARK ON A CROSSWALK.
Only authorized personnel are permitted in the School or on school grounds.
Visitors (including parents and volunteers) must enter through the main door and asked to report to the office upon entering the school. To ensure student safety, no unauthorized adults are allowed in the school. Parents/guardians are asked to remain in the area of the main office until received by the school secretary or principal. Note that volunteers working with the students (in classes, on class trips) must have a valid background check.
A “Lost and Found” is kept in the front entrance of the school. All labelled items are returned to the owner and a photo is sent home through REMIND monthly. Due to the large number of items and the limitation of storage space, the unclaimed and unlabeled items will be brought to Saint Vincent de Paul monthly.
The amount of homework depends upon the grade and the individual teacher. In Cycle 1 (K-2), parents/guardians are encouraged to read to or listen to their child read each day. Homework may also include special assignments and projects.
In the elementary levels Cycle 2 and 3, homework is usually assigned on an ‘as needed’ basis. Students who do not finish their work in class may be expected to complete it at home. Students are notified in advance when tests are scheduled.
The school believes that clear, regular communication about your child’s progress and development is an essential component of success.
MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT- is held in September at the Back to School BBQ. Teachers will notify you of a time to visit the classrooms and get documents supporting their child’s learning (standards and procedures, program expectations, behaviour expectations, etc.). This is an opportunity to find out general information about your child’s class and school. It is not a time for individual meetings about your child. We are just getting to know them, their strengths and weaknesses.
FAMILY – TEACHER INTERVIEWS – are conducted during the year. The term report is discussed at this interview. Teachers will send out an invitation for parents/guardians to schedule a meeting time.
WRITTEN REPORT CARDS – are issued four times per year. The Ministry (MELS) has indicated that there will be 4 written reports. Parents can expect these in October, November, March and June.