K4, K5 and new Students : Registration Dates for 2025-2026 School Year.
Kindergarten registration will officially begin the week of February 3. If you have a child who will be of age for 4 or 5-year-old Kindergarten, please reach out to Kim Teske at kimteske@wqsb.qc.ca to book an appointment.
February 11, there has been a combined registration date arranged with Eardley and Lord Aylmer. You can go to 130 Frank Robinson (Lord Aylmer Junior Campus) to enroll your child between 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00.
K4 Program
- Due to the limited number of spaces in the K4 program we must have a minimum of 23 in order to offer two classes , registrations for K4 will be determined by a “lottery system”. All completed registrations will be assigned a number. After the registration period is over, if we receive more applications than the allocated number of spots, we will hold a lottery to determine the students that will be registered for the K4 program. A wait-list will also be drawn, to be used if one of the allocated spots becomes available before the start of the school year.
- You must reside in our catchment to register. Should you wish to be placed on a waiting list you will need to contact your child’s catchment school to complete the registration forms and request a Cross Boundary form.
Registering your child to Eardley School
Required documents for registration:
- Child’s original long form birth certificate (bearing parents’ names)
- Certificate of Eligibility of the child, sibling or parent (not mandatory)
- Canadian Citizenship of parent (ex. birth document, passport…)
- Québec proof of residency (Québec driver’s license OR two of the following: lease/house deed, tax bill, hydro/cable/phone bill)
- Child’s last report card (if applicable)
To register your child for Kindergarten 2025-2026 he or she must be 4 years of age (K4) or 5 years of age (K5) on or before September 30th.
For more information please visit westernquebec.ca or contact Kimberly Teske by email kimteske@wqsb.qc.ca
Address Changes and Change of Contact Information
Please email Ashley Kelly at ashleykelly@wqsb.qc.ca if you have moved or have changed phone numbers. Proof of new address will be required before changes can be made.
It takes 5 days to make the necessary changes for a new bus. This can only be done if the required documentation (proof of address) is received at the time of the request.
Cross-Boundary Requests
Parents are asked to register their child in their boundary school. Cross-Boundary Requests allow parents to request to send their child to another school located outside of the boundaries of a given school (in other words, the territory served by a school). This transfer request is made to the Department of School Organization, which will review it individually before submitting a recommendation to the General Directorate.
- Review the Cross-Boundary Policy;
- Fill out the Cross-Boundary application form and return to the School Organization Department by fax at 819 684-9061 or email at cross-boundaries@wqsb.qc.ca;
- Parent or guardian will be required to complete a Temporary Authorization Request form if the family moves onto the territory of a different school during the school year, in order to allow the child to remain in the same school for the remainder of the school year.
Student Derogation
In Quebec, students must be 5 years old on or before September 30, of any school year in order to attend kindergarten in the Fall.
Under certain conditions, specified by the Quebec Ministry of Education (M.E.E.S.), students may begin kindergarten or Cycle 1.1 early, through a process called Derogation. The conditions are contained in the Education Act.
- Students identified as “advanced” by the M.E.E.S. (students with advanced intellectual, social, emotional and psychomotor skills as deemed by a psychologist) may be granted Early Admission Derogation.
- Students identified as “handicapped” by the M.E.E.S. (as outlined in the Organization of Educational Services for At-Risk Students and students with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning difficulties) may be granted Special Education Derogation.
For information about derogations, please contact Helen Carriere: hcarriere@wqsb.qc.ca 819-684-1313 x 560006.