In order to promote better understanding by all members of the school community, the staff, parents, and students of Eardley Elementary School, we have adopted the following statement of educational and safety responsibilities and rights as the basis of our Code of Conduct.
A school is a place that provides equal learning opportunity for all students. In addition to the regular curriculum, good citizenship must be taught and demonstrated. Students are expected to learn responsibility for rules and regulations adopted for the benefit of all, and to demonstrate appreciation for the rights of others.
The Code of Conduct ensures that all students, parents/guardians, teachers, and staff have the right to feel safe in their school community. The support of parents/guardians for this Code of Conduct is essential to its success, as we work in partnership with our school community and share the same values and expectations. Therefore, the standards of behaviour in the Code of Conduct apply not only to students, but also to all individuals involved in the school system (parents/guardians, volunteers, teachers, and other staff members) while on school property, on school buses, or at school authorized events or activities.
Below are listed the rights and responsibilities/expectations involved in a positive, cooperative school and the consequences for unacceptable behaviour.
Expectations of Students | Expectations of School Staff | Expectations of Parents/Guardians |
-To come to school on time -Be prepared and ready to learn -To follow our anti-bullying rules at all times -To show respect for the rights, feelings, and property of all school community members -To respect ethnic, racial, religious, gender, orientation, intellectual and physical differences in others -To practice safe and responsible behaviour at all times and to follow all classroom, school and community rules -To follow all learning experiences to the best of his/her/their ability -To inform teachers, parents/guardians, and other staff with regard to any concerns related to physical, social, emotional, or academic issues -To communicate and work with all school community members in a courteous, fair, and respectful manner | -To provide an effective role model to students and to help them reach their human potential -To respect ethnic, religious, gender, orientation, intellectual and physical differences in others -To demonstrate care and commitment to pupils by providing an inviting, safe, and positive learning environment characterized by high expectations for success -To ensure a variety of instructional practices and to respond to students’ individual needs in order to support improved student performance -To communicate and work collaboratively with students, parents/guardians and other school personnel on issues related to students’ social, emotional, and academic progress -To support students in working to develop self-confidence and to strengthen their sense of self-worth -To communicate and work with all school community members in a courteous, fair, and respectful manner | -To send their children to school regularly, punctually and prepared for learning -To promptly report to the school their child’s absence or late arrival -To ensure that the school has current emergency information that will allow the school to reach a parent or guardian when/if necessary -To show an active interest in their children’s schoolwork and progress and encourage a positive attitude towards learning -To communicate any situation that may impact upon their child’s learning -To communicate with school personnel on issues related to their student’s social, emotional, and academic progress -To respect ethnic, racial, religious, gender, orientation, intellectual and physical differences in others -To encourage and support children in following the rules of behaviour by being familiar with the Eardley Code of Conduct and school rules as outlined in the agenda –To communicate and work with all school community members in a courteous, fair, and respectful manner |
Students have the right to…
- An equal learning opportunity
- An appropriate and challenging program
- Feel safe at school
- Freedom from physical and verbal harassment
- A pleasant school atmosphere
- Assistance from teachers and school staff
- Discipline in a fair, firm, and consistent manner
Students have the responsibility/expectation to…
- Be punctual and attend regularly
- Demonstrate a positive attitude and good work habits
- Respect the rights of other students and all school personnel
- Complete all assigned work punctually
- Be aware of opportunities to participate in activities offered both during and after school hours
- Exhibit self-discipline by following school rules, both in and out of the classroom and during any school sponsored activity
- Be honest and trustworthy
- Report bullying and violent incidents to an adult at school and at home
- Be courteous, use respectful language and good manners
- Treat with respect the environment, lockers, equipment and materials belonging to the school, staff and other students
- Wear appropriate clothing
- To follow the code of conduct when representing Eardley on and off school property
Teachers have the right to…
- Expect appropriate behaviour in the classroom, throughout the school, and in all other educational settings (e.g., on the bus, school trips)
- Receive support from the Principal and parents/guardians in the performance of their duties
- Expect support from administration to help students reach their full potential
- Expect cooperation from all students in the carrying out of student responsibilities during all school functions
Teachers have the responsibility to…
- Be fair, firm and friendly in dealing with students
- Inform students of expectations of acceptable behaviour
- Report progress and conduct to administration and parents/guardians
- Take responsibility for all students in the school, when required
- Encourage good effort, improvement and citizenship
- Plan, implement and evaluate an effective program
- Encourage excellence in all academic endeavours based on individual differences
- Report incidents of concern to appropriate authorities
Parents/Guardians have the right to…
- Know that students will be provided with an excellent educational experience that adheres to the Basic School Regulation
- Expect that classes will be conducted in an orderly manner
- Expect teachers to act in a kind but firm and judicious manner
- Receive regular communications from the school
- Confer with the school regarding any concerns for their child
Parents/Guardians have the responsibility to…
- Encourage positive attitudes in their children towards school, learning and behaviour
- Ensure regular attendance and promptness
- Provide or seek support in ensuring the overall physical, social and emotional wellbeing of your child
- Provide support and appropriate time and place for reinforcement of academic content
- Cooperate with the school to develop appropriate student behaviour
- Communicate appropriately with staff concerning your child’s progress
- Contact the school regarding concerns
- Encourage children to become involved in activities sponsored by the school
- Be your child’s advocate
Discipline Policy
At Eardley Elementary our first approach is always to work with the student and parent(s) to find the source of the frustration that is causing the troubling behaviour. However, depending on the behaviour, a range of consequences are available to school personnel which should provide the flexibility necessary to meet the wide range of situations and individuals that may be encountered.
A student who does not meet the expectations of this code of conduct will be dealt with fairly and consistently by the staff. Our aim is to help the student deal with the frustration and teach them to improve their behaviour. The rights of the individual as well as the collective rights of school and community will be considered. The following consequences are possible after a breach of the code of conduct:
- Discussion with the student by a staff member to talk about the problem in order to avoid another instance.
- Assignment of a specific task to help the student understand the expectations.
- Detention of the student, usually to do classroom assignments to make up for lost or wasted instructional time.
- Consultation with parents/guardians regarding the student
- Withdrawal of privileges where the student loses the opportunity to participate in activities where appropriate behaviour is essential.
- Restitution or community service where the student loses freedom at recesses and/or lunch time and performs tasks to enhance the school environment, or to repair or replace damaged or lost property.
- Withdrawal of the student from the class setting to another workplace within the school for a specific length of time.
- Suspension from school where the student does not attend school according to the authority of the Education Act.
- Intervention of or referral to Resource personnel (e.g., Resource teacher, Special Education Technician, Transition Agent etc.).
- Involvement of or referral to outside agencies e.g., CLSC, CISSSO, Police, Youth Protection.
- Expulsion by the School Board from all schools under its jurisdiction.
Consequences will not necessarily be imposed in sequential order but will depend greatly on the severity, frequency and duration of the behaviour and at the discretion of the administration or designate.
School Rules and Regulations
School Access:
The playground is supervised 15 minutes before the commencement of the school day (7:45am). Adults will be there to monitor students at this time only. Students arriving before 7:45 am will be sent to daycare and charged the appropriate rate. In the case of inclement weather, the supervisors will permit the students to enter the school building upon arriving at school. Additionally, school ends at 2:40pm; a grace period of 10 minutes will be given to pick up your child. After this, your child will be sent to daycare and charged the appropriate rate. *In the case your child is attending an extra-curricular outside of normal school hours and has a designated pick-up time; a grace period of 10 minutes will be given and after this your child will be sent to daycare and charged the appropriate rate.
All parents/guardians of students and visitors to the school must enter the building through the main entrance ONLY. All visitors must report to the office and receive and wear a visitor’s pass before proceeding to any other area of the school. Parents collecting students must wait in the lobby for their children.
Attendance and Punctuality:
Punctuality is important and it is the responsibility of our students to be on time for school. All students entering after 8:00am must report to the office with a guardian to verify their attendance. Requests for early dismissal (i.e. medical appointment) require parent/guardian contact with the office. Any changes to end of day routine must be called into the office before 2:00pm.
Absences must be confirmed by phone or documented by parents/guardians in writing to the following email address eardleyattendance@wqsb.qc.ca. If a parent/guardian is unable to speak directly to a staff member, please leave a message on the answering machine. Please copy the homeroom teacher and the secretary in any email communication regarding absences.
Appropriate Dress:
- Students, staff, and parents/guardians when volunteering at school, will not wear clothing that promotes the following: inappropriate language, vulgarities, discrimination.
- All students, staff, and parents/guardians volunteering at the school, have the right to dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression.
- While hats and hoods are permitted at school, they must not interfere or distract with either the learning of the individual or other students in class (ex. hood pulled shut, large, costume-style hat). Head dresses or head coverings worn for religious or medical purposes are exempt.
- Clothing should be comfortable and appropriate for active engagement in the classroom, recess, and physical education keeping in mind the weather conditions (including footwear).
- Clothing and/or jewellery that bear suggestive or objectionable printing such as those used in the advertisement of alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, or those containing racist/hateful comments are not to be worn.
- For safety reasons, students should have proper footwear at school for inside the building and separate footwear for outside the building
- Extreme modes of dress or clothing normally considered undergarments are not acceptable (bra tops as tops, boxers as shorts, etc.)
Failure to comply with the dress code will result in a request to change. Continued failure to comply with the dress code will result in a request for parents/guardians to meet with the principal to discuss the problem. All dress code violations are at the discretion of the administration and/or designate.
Behaviour should show respect for self, others and property. It should be reflective of a safe school environment. Therefore, the following will apply:
- No weapons or weapon-like devices including toys
- Absolutely no fighting
- No physically or verbally abusive behaviour
- Follow the routines established by the staff
- Demonstrate socially acceptable manners
- Seek staff assistance to resolve conflicts
Appropriate Language:
Students are expected to demonstrate socially acceptable language. Therefore, the following will apply:
- No profanity
- No suggestive comments including sexist, racist, bigoted, or provocative comments
- No rude, challenging, or discriminatory comments or gestures toward students or members of the staff
Electronics are not permitted to be used on school property or buses for personal use. When approved by the principal teachers can request students bring a device to school for pedagogical purposes to support learning activities. In the case above, please note that all classes have a “device drop” where students can drop their devices at the beginning of the day and pick them up once classes are dismissed. An exception may be granted for special education purposes. These exceptions are determined by the needs of individual students and with approval from the principal.
If a student is caught using an electronic for personal use:
- First Offence – If a student is caught with their electronic device outside of pedagogical use, the device will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day.
- Second Offence – If a student is caught with their electronic device outside of pedagogical use, the device will be confiscated and a parent/guardian will have to pick the device up from the office.
- Repeated Offence – possibility of a range of consequences at the discretion of the administration or administrations designate.
Toys are not to be brought to school. If a student brings a toy to school, it will be confiscated until the end of the day and returned upon the day’s completion.
Bullying and Harassment:
We believe that all students, teachers, staff members, and parents/guardians have the right to freedom from harassment and/or bullying at school. We understand the detrimental and serious effects which may result from derogatory comments or conduct based on race, gender, orientation, disability, cognitive differences, family status, ethnic origin, citizenship, ancestry, age, etc. These behaviours undermine our school environment as a whole.
Olweus definition of bullying includes three important components:
- Bullying is aggressive behaviour that involves unwanted, negative actions.
- Bullying involves a pattern of behaviour repeated over time.
- Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength.
Types of Bullying:
This may include but not limited to:
- Verbal bullying including derogatory comments and name calling;
- Bullying through social exclusion or isolation;
- Physical bullying such as hitting, kicking, shoving, and spitting;
- Bullying through lies and false rumours;
- Having money or other things personal property/belongings/possessions taken or damaged by students who bully;
- Being threatened or being forced to do things by students who bully;
- Racial bullying;
- Identity bullying;
- Sexual bullying, harassment, unwanted advances, inappropriate touching; and
- Cyber-bullying (bullying behavior via cell-phone, Internet, etc…).
**Please see the Anti-Violence/Anti-Bullying Plan for further information**
Buses and Bus Behaviour
Transportation Services are a privilege and not a right. The safety of the students on the school buses is the primary concern of the bus drivers and the school. The behaviour of the children on the school bus is consistent with the beahviour expectations while at school. Students must adhere to the following requirements in the interest of safety for all passengers. Failure to do so may lead to the suspension or removal of riding privileges.
- Remain in their seat at all times
- Follow the driver’s instructions
- Use polite language
- Avoid distracting the driver by creating unnecessary noise or uncooperative behaviour
- Refrain from eating and drinking on the bus
- Demonstrate acceptable behaviour which respects the rights of other passengers and the driver
- Ensure that all personal belongings fit within their backpack (lunch bag may be carried separately)
The driver is at all times in complete charge of the bus and passengers. If any of the above outlined code of conduct rules are violated, the driver will report the problems to the Principal.
If a parent/guardian has an issue with an incident that has happened on the bus or with the driver, they are to speak directly to the administration or the administration’s designate.
Summary and Conclusions
The Code of Conduct is required to ensure that students, parents/guardians and staff all understand the standards we expect at Eardley Elementary School. The discipline policy, however, must be flexible enough so that we are positioned to be fair and sensible in our relationships with students and others. It is not our intent to have rules for everything. Appropriate consequences are needed for inappropriate behaviour. We all want our students to become all that they are capable of becoming: to be successful and happy in their lives, to make correct and acceptable choices, and to live productive and fulfilling lives.
Every student has a role in helping to make our school a safe and happy place for all. Please discuss the expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct with your child(ren). Thank you.
Eardley Elementary Staff and Governing Board
(Updated: September 30, 2024)