Good Afternoon Eardley Community,
I hope this email finds you all safe and well. This update is geared towards informing our Community of a new Ministry mandate regarding Covid-19 rapid testing in schools. Please note that rapid testing is being rolled out across the province of Quebec with the guidance and support of Public Health.
What does this mean?
- Parental/guardian consent is required before rapid tests are administered at school. Emergency contacts within our system are not allowed to give consent for the rapid testing.
- Rapid Tests will be implemented for students who show Covid-19 symptoms at school (with received consent).
- The rapid test does not replace the PCR Covid-19 tests completed by Public Health at testing centres.
- The trained staff at Eardley administering the rapid
tests on any given day will be the following –
- Samantha Halpin
- Stephanie Lelievre
- Kim Teske
- Jenna Vatcher Robertson
- Anne Carbonneau
- Kayla Perreault
- Hannah Patrick
How will it work?
- If your child exhibits Covid-19 symptoms at school, they will be removed from class and placed within our isolation room (this is our current practice).
- Office staff will phone home and notify you that your child(ren) will need to be picked up due to Covid-19 symptoms.
- During this phone call we will ask for verbal consent to perform a rapid test – if consent is given, one of the above adults will administer the test (*there will always be two adults present during the administration of the rapid test).
- Upon the arrival of the parent/guardian to the school, the attached consent form will be completed to coincide with the verbal consent received on the phone (*if you do not give consent for a rapid test to be performed, this consent form will not need to be signed. Regular protocol will follow – i.e. 10 day isolation period or a recommendation for a Covid-19 test at a testing centre*)
- A student whose rapid test result is positive must be tested for Covid-19, and remain home until the Covid-19 test result is received. A student whose rapid test result is negative may return to school when the symptoms are resolved.
- Regardless, a student should not come to school sick
I understand that this is a lot of information to digest. Please know that I remain available to answer any questions or concerns you may have after reviewing this important information. As we continue to navigate the changes brought upon us due to Covid-19, the Eardley Elementary school staff will continue to prioritize a safe, caring and loving learning environment for your children.
All the best,
Samantha Halpin