We are getting ready for the holidays and you can certainly feel the energy in the building. 10 more school days! Please see below for some of the happenings at Eardley.
Bus Routes
There will be construction on Rue Eardley from December 9-13, inclusive. Although the road in not closed, there may delays for buses 22, 30 and 201.
Reporting Absences
We appreciate all of you who are reporting your child’s absence to us. Please remember that your child’s teacher does not always check email before school starts. Please include the attendance email eardleyattendance@wqsb.qc.ca in your message to the teacher. This will save us a call to you when you have already reported the absence for your child.
Power Outage Follow-Up
Thank you everyone for your quick response to the message needing you to pick up your children last Tuesday. We appreciate your understanding and the fact that you all reacted on short notice to make arrangements. Thank you!
Home and School
Books and Breakfast will take place December 7 in the MPR. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Hotdog Day will take place on December 13. Order deadline is December 11. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Subway Day will take place December 18. Order deadline is December 10. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Family Movie Night will take place on December 20. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Eardley Swag is now available. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Winter Wonderland Week- December 16-20
I know this is a week early but some people like to be prepared. Please see the attached schedule for daily themes we will enjoy the last week of school before the holidays.
School Fees
This is another reminder for school fees. Unfortunately, this is a dossier that gets sent to collections. If you cannot pay the fees in full, please contact Kim Teske, our amazing secretary, who will assist you with a payment plan.
Pick Up Line
When picking up your child at the end of the day, can you please stay on the sidewalk or grass? The bus drivers are concerned that parents/guardians are standing close to the buses during this time.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Julia Horner
Eardley Elementary School