What’s Happening at Eardley?
Welcome to Term 2! I hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather Halloween night if you celebrate it. We do not get many like that. Please see below for what is coming up at Eardley.
Home and School
Please see the attached documents for supporting flyers for the events below and for the November calendar.
Sloppy Joe Lunch will be offered on November 8. Orders are due November 6.
Hotdog Day will be offered on November 15. Orders are due November 12
Family Bingo Night will take place at Eardley on November 21 from 6:00pm-8:00pm.
Subway Day will take place on November 27. Orders are due on November 19.
Lunchable Day will take place on November 29. Orders are due on November 27.
Parking Lot Update- Kiss and Go
The Kiss and Go has been going well. We will continue with this process.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is enormous! I will post pictures this week. Items will be donated next week.
Report Cards
Report cards will be available on the morning of November 20. In Math, Competency 1 (Situational Problems) will not be evaluate in term one but you can expect a mark beginning in term 2.
Parents/Guardians will be invited to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss progress. More information regarding interview process will be sent out by your child’s teacher. Please save the dates November 21 (evening) and November 22 (during the PD Day).