Home and School Events
Soup and Sandwich Day
Please see the attached flyer for information on how to order a soup and sandwich lunch for your child on October 4.
Movie Night
September 27, Home and School is organizing a movie night featuring Iside Out 2. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Fall Décor Sale
September 27, Home and School will be selling fall décor as a fund raiser. Come on out to the movie night and shop the fall items prior to the show. See the attached flyer for more details.
Bingo Night
October 2 Home and School will be hosting a Bingo Night at the Aydelu Centre. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Stay Safe Virtual Course
October 17 and 18 are PD Days. The Canadian Red Cross is offering an online Stay Safe session on October 17 for students. Please see the attached flyer for how to register your child.
Connexions Events
Please see the attached flyer for different events/sessions offered by Connexions and how to reguster. October 1 session is on Bilingualism & Multilingualism at Home , Daycare and School.
October 3 is a session on Teens & Screens.
For Parents/Guardians of Children with Exceptionalities
If you are the parent/guardian of a child who has special needs and are looking for a way to connect with other families and get your children active, please click the link below. If will open a flyer and within the flyer a link to provide/gather more information, should you be interested.
Family Activity Night
The Western Quebec Literacy Council is back to offer Eardley Elementary a Family Activity Night. The first event will be October 3 at 5:00. Children and families will create a planner or journal and students will be able to choose from a selection of FREE books.
Lost and Found
Each month, photos of the lost and found will be sent home. We will pack up the items, wait a week and items will be donated. With the ups and downs of the temperature, I highly recommend labelling your child’s sweatshirts. All labelled items will be returned to the owner. Please see below for items so far. Only two shirts were returned because they were labelled.

Cold and Flu Season
Cold and flu season is upon us. Several children are going/staying home with a variety of childhood illnesses. Please make sure you inform the school should your child come down with contagious diseases or illnesses. Please also make sure you have completed and returned your health form to ensure we are aware if your child is immunocompromised. Attached you will find a quick reminder of when your child should stay home. This is not an extensive list but covers the most common illnesses. Please also remember that your child should be free of symptoms WITHOUT symptom reducing medication prior to returning to school.