Good Morning Eardley Community,
I hope this email finds you well and rested after the long weekend. We have another first week behind us and I look forward to many more. Our students are settling into their new routines and making the most of the new school year. I have an important update for you this morning, please see below.
- In & Out During the Day
- To limit the amount of traffic in and out of the building, we are asking that unnecessary pick-ups and drop-offs are avoided.
- We understand that appointments are hard to book and therefore, if your child has an appointment during the day we ask that you inform your child’s homeroom teacher and Stephanie Lelievre in the front office.
- We are still required to keep track of who is coming in and out of the building, for both legal reasons and for Public Health.
- If you are picking up your child for an appointment, please report to the front office (in the lobby) and sign-out your child.
- If you are dropping off your child after an appointment, please report to the front office (in the lobby) and sign-in your child.
- Daily Arrival
- To avoid late arrivals, we are asking that all children be dropped off by 8:15am.
- We have a staff member posted at the front entrance until 8:15am to ensure your child is greeted, has a procedural mask and sanitizes upon entry. This staff member will leave promptly at 8:15am to attend to other duties.
- If your child arrives later than 8:15am due to unforeseen circumstances or an emergency, please park in our parking lot and report to the front office (in the lobby) to sign your child in.
- Late arrivals will be recorded within our attendance system.
- Bus Lane
- A reminder to all parent(s)/guardian(s) that our bus lane is only being used for daycare drop-off and pick-up (before 7:30am and after 3:00pm).
- Our bus lane is to remain clear throughout the day in the event we have to call emergency services
- End of Day Routine
- A slight change to informing the office of end of day routine – if your child’s end of day routine is changing from the regular routine, please inform BOTH the homeroom teacher and Stephanie Lelievre by 1:00pm at the latest.
- If your child is in daycare and you are requesting an end of day change please inform the homeroom teacher, Stephanie Lelievre and Anne Carbonneau by 1:00pm at the latest.
- This can be done by email or telephone. The cut-off time ensures that we have received the information and can act accordingly.
- If end of day changes are requested after 1:00pm we will not be able to guarantee that this request is honored. If there is an emergency, our team will do our best to accommodate.
- If your child is pick-up at the end of the day, they will only be released to the parent/guardian on file. If an aunt, uncle, grandparent, friend etc. is picking up your child(ren) you must inform both the homeroom teacher, Stephanie Lelievre and/or Anne Carbonneau. If the school is not informed, your child will not be released into the care of an unknown individual.
- If your child has alternate living arrangements (example. One week at one address, one week at another) please inform your child’s homeroom teacher and Stephanie Lelievre regarding end of day routine.
I want to thank you for your continued support and positivity as we navigate starting another school year. As always, I am available should you have any questions or concerns.
Please enjoy the sunshine,
Samantha Halpin