Good Afternoon Eardley Community,
I hope this email finds you enjoying this gorgeous Fall weather. I have a short update for you today.
- School
Board Elections
- Please find all of the necessary information regarding School Board Elections at the following link –
- Drop
Off & Pick Up
- We are asking for your cooperation in regards to our drop-off and pick-up times.
- Drop-Off – Currently we have a cut-off of 8:15am. This is due to safety and security and ensuring proper safety protocols are followed and supervised by available staff when entering the building.
- Pick-Up – The school day ends at 2:35pm and we are asking that parents/guardians are not showing up prior to the pick-up time. We have to follow strict guidelines ensuring we know who is in the building if we ever have to complete contact tracing with Public Health. Furthermore, we do not have the available staff to ensure safety protocols are being followed for multiple early pick-ups.
- Of course we know that there are extenuating circumstances and emergencies that may happen. We are absolutely willing to help and support you if something like this does occur and you need to pick-up your child(ren) early.
- Appointments
- Due to Public Health protocol and the safety procedures we need to follow when a student enters and leaves the building we are asking that if your child has an appointment to please keep them home for the day. This again leads back to contact tracing and ensuring we know who is in the building when. We thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
- Sick
- The parent/guardian community will only be informed if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19. The school will not inform the parent/guardian if a student is sent home sick, if there is a student awaiting testing etc.
- Governing
- Our elections were held and we will hold our first GB meeting on September 30th @ 6:00pm.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
All the best,
Samantha Halpin
Eardley Elementary